Entitled – The Journal of an Uber Driver 24/25
I think I’m a decent human being that will never be without sin and never feel entitled to pick up and throw a stone.
I think I’m a decent human being that will never be without sin and never feel entitled to pick up and throw a stone.
I have seen it before. As I start the engine, I place them each in a box large enough to fit them for the night, small enough to fit into a character description.
No matter how good the people I work with are, no matter how easy the project, there is always the what-if-something-goes-wrong worm digging through my brain.
With age comes an awareness of your place as a human being in the bigger picture. The useless pursuit of material riches and the related expensively branded fake mindfulness you’re brainwashed to work for comes to an end. For 5% because they get what they want. For the other 95% because they realize they’ll never get it.
Uber can be fixed by a rebel that has grown up and become a real responsible human being with a vision and merciless respect for equality between human beings no matter their differences.